*Player Entry Donations must be received on or before Monday, May 12th, 2025* Join the Retired Berthoud Firefighters as we host our 4th Annual Caretakers of Tradition "Golf Balls On Fire" 4 Person Scramble Charity Golf Tournament at the Mariana Butte Golf Course. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING FOR TICKET PRICING. $175 per Individual golfer. $700 per 4 person team. Sponsorships ranging from $150 to $500. Check out the "Sponsor our 2025 Golf Tournament" section on our home page for more info and to purchase your Sponsorship. You may also donate any amount to help us reach our goal if you are unable to attend. Click on the "Read More" button below for more information on the tournament.
7:00AM- Registration/Range Open
8:00AM- Shot Gun Start
1:00PM- Lunch/Prizes
Divisions of Play:
Eligibility: Golfers must be at least 18 years of age
Player Entry Donations must be received on or before Monday, May 12th, 2025.
Player Donation:
This includes an 18-hole round of golf, golf cart, practice range balls, awards, beverage ticket, and a buffet lunch.
Mulligans and String may be purchased for $20.00, limited to 1 package per golfer. Purchase the day of the tournament.
In addition to playing the tournament, you may also donate by choosing a Sponsorship Level. Head to our separate "Sponsor our 2025 Golf Tournament" section on our home page.
*If paying by check, please make the check payable to Caretakers of Tradition and mail to the following address:
605 7th Street
Berthoud, Colorado 80513
All tournament donations are tax deductible and all tournament proceeds go to the retired Berthoud fire-fighters’, Caretakers of Tradition Community Fund Drive, to maintain the new museum annex to Berthoud Fire Station #1. The museum is dedicated to preserving the history and tradition of the men and women of the original Berthoud Volunteer Fire Department as well as the current Berthoud Fire Protection District who have protected the lives and property of the Berthoud community since 1888. The museum now houses our fully restored original 1888 Fire Hose Cart and original motorized 1927 Julius Pearse Fire Engine. These donations also allow us to further the restoration work of newly acquired firefighting related items in the future. Thank you for supporting the Caretakers of Tradition.
The Caretakers of Tradition is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization in the state of Colorado [EIN # 82-5443285 ] . Your donations to participate in this event are tax deductible. The donation value for IRS purposes is $150 per person for individual payments and $600 per team group payment.
*Every ticket purchased includes an 18-hole round of golf, golf cart, awards, and a buffet lunch are included.